Autumn Twists My Heart Like Sheets in the Wind
For me, autumn is usually such a chaotic, fickle season with its roaring winds, shattering cold mist, mild rains, sleet, endless blue skies, deep gray skies, bright warm sunny days, and the occasional snowflake or three.

My Wild Heart Cracked Open in the Womb of a Sweat Lodge
Sweat Lodge Vision
I believed if I stared hard enough into the darkness of the warm earth womb on that Ice cold night - Trees pointing like bare bones out of the black ground-I would find the answers I was seeking.
How Are You Going to Wake Your Daimon?
Why do we fill our days with things and noise, and other people’s dreams, goals, and expectations, further creating a gap between our Divine and Terrestrial natures? What if we discover we aren’t empty shells but that our vital, living soul actually has an invisible companion?